Fun & Free December 2012

7 minutes and 28 days of FREE, FUN, FITNESS

My friend, International Nia Black Belt Trainer and Soma Ranch owner, Helen Terry offered a 7 minute workout FREE for the month of December.  I did it 25 out of 28  days and had loads of FUN (and so did my dog Turk)!  Here’s the video:

Since I LOVE structure, I also found an online timer with a beep every minute (because more than a minute might just be too much?)!  It’s 8 minutes – how convenient is THAT:

You’ll have to estimate the “four sides” 15 seconds of laughing on your own – it’s always good to laugh longer than a minute ;)

If this is helpful for you and you’d like more, please feel free to sign up for our weekly update (we never let your precious info out of our site) – it is fun and free!

If you had one question…

I wrote this last week before the shootings at Sandy Hook – I mean no flippancy or disrespect, but it feels more like a fit this week than last… thanks for reading, j.

If you had one question…

What would it be?

I was walking my dog, Turk, last night and I saw these words as two separate bumper stickers on the same car.  It might have been one sticker, designed to look like two – it was dark.

As I walked past, I played with to whom to direct my question and what my question might be.

If I were talking to “God,” what would I want to ask?  Thoughts about war, kid hunger, and my own little dilemmas wandered through my mind.  But the question that stood out in seconds was “What’s the point?”  What surprised me the most was my tone – not so much fatalistic or depressed – but curiosity…  what IS the point of all human existence, experience, emotion…?

I guess this is sort of one of THE questions of all time – what’s the point?

I didn’t explore much past those thoughts on the rest of my walk – I simply enjoyed the way Turk was being incredibly cooperative, the beautiful 61 degree temperature & clear night sky (LOVE living in Houston in winter), and the festive holiday lights in the neighborhood.

This morning a cold front is passing through and it’s 40 degrees (brrrr), dreary and I don’t feel much like taking responsibility for my life today.  I’d like to go back to sleep, be taken care of, ignore the dog and pretend that “what’s the point” isn’t important to me.  Most days I don’t worry about “the point.”  I’m too consumed with what “needs” to get done on that day – food, dog, clients, etc.  Somehow, though, when I can take a moment to contemplate what I WANT “the point” to be,  I switch into “what I ‘get’ to do today.”  Nice shift.

I want “the point” to be

We are all one
We are all doing the best we can
We are spirits having a human experience
Love is all there is
Real Love heals everything

If this is the point (or if this is MY point) – I get to take care of the day to day with so much more richness, compassion, kindness, caring, curiosity, softness, excitement, eagerness and love.  Then the day to day takes on so much more elegance, yummy anticipation, and meaning.

I’ll have more of that, please.

What’s your question?  Or if you prefer, what’s your point?  Love to hear about it in the comments below.

Great love and big point filled hugs,

As much now as 9/11/01, love is the only answer we can count on.  I continue to send love, healing and compassion to the families affected by last week’s event.

Surprises! Love ‘em? Hate ‘em?

I LOVE them!

Talk about FUN!  I did something last week that I have never done before and quite honestly didn’t think I would ever do.  It’s not something I dreamed about, or placed on a bucket list or even spent very much time contemplating.  But as the moment of truth edged closer and closer, I became more and more excited.  In fact, I still get super excited thinking about it over a week later, LOL.

I sat court-side at an NBA game – Rockets vs. Jazz – FOR FREE!

I live just outside Houston and the game was at home.  I’ve been an NBA basketball fan since I lived in Atlanta in the early 90s and watched Dominique Wilkins, Spud Webb, Doc Rivers and the rest of the guys.  When I first moved to Houston, the basketball bug subsided for a couple of years, but I started watching again in the Charles Barkley, Stevie Francis, Cuttino Mobley, coach Rudy T “era” and have been going to the games ever since.  I am fortuitously connected to a person who also loves basketball and somehow always manifests interesting viewing options: Red & White (swanky gourmet buffet and mid level tables from which to watch the game); Company Suite (big screen TVs, snacks and adult beverages); regular ‘ol great seats.  Saturday night was the Mamaseata of viewing options.

And while I didn’t get on Kiss Cam or Dance Cam, and while I didn’t catch t-shirts or caps, while no basketballs or basketball players landed on me (my.little.fantasy.) – I could read the tattoos on the players’ arms, I could hear the court chatter and squeak of sneakers and I was reminded (again) how the Universe provides what we need, what we desire AND a great many fun surprises along the way!

In the comments below I’m dying to hear about one of your favorite surprises; what was it, how did it feel, did it change you in some way?  Share, share, share.

Great surprising love and big hugs,

p.s. yes, Rockets WON! 🙂

What is this thing called Nia (knee-ya)?

Nia has been around since the early 80’s.  I’ve been teaching Nia since 1999.  I’ve done all the belts (white, green, blue, brown and black), some multiple times.  Someone asks me every day, what is nigh-uh? what does Nia stand for? what is N – I – A?  And to tell you the truth – even now I don’t have a great answer.  I can answer each question “technically,” but whenever anyone asks me about Nia I feel this need to champion the depth of Nia and simultaneously I feel frustrated about how to do that in our instant gratification culture.

The good news is Nia can provide instant gratification – if you put on music and dance around your living room, you are doing a version of Nia and you’ll likely have an enhanced positive mood afterward ;).  If you pop in a Nia video, you’ll have a slightly deeper, more conscious experience and you’ll likely feel better afterward.  If you go and take a class with a licensed Nia teacher – the chances are very high you’ll have one of the coolest experiences of your existence. All of this doesn’t mean I can tell you in a couple of words what Nia is.

Nia is DEEP.

Nia is FUN.



Nia asks us to grow, to grow up, to be present, to be here now – in our body – no matter what’s going on in there.  And for those willing adventurers – it’s precisely that – being here now, in our body, sensing, feeling, seeing, touching – which allows us to begin healing – EVERYTHING.

So when somebody asks me “What is Nia” – what do I say, how do I tell them all of the above in a few words?

As the good girl I’m prone to being I always want to say the “right” thing.  The right thing according to Nia Headquarters, the right thing according to my mentor(s), the right thing to get people to come to class and playshops, the right thing so that THEY (whoever “they” are) don’t think I’m _______ {airy fairy, out there, a freak, a weirdo, that dancer chic, etc.}, the right thing so I don’t offend anyone at any venue where I teach, the right GD (gall dang) thing.  After 14 years I still don’t know what the right thing is.

I CAN tell you why I continue to teach class, take class, attend increasing levels of training and study this body of work called Nia:

  • I do Nia because it let me move my way after I’d been beaten up and burned out through years and years as an aerobics instructor.
  • I do Nia because I can do it ANY WAY I WANT TO – with people, on my own, with music, without music, in a park, on a beach, naked (haven’t tried it that way – too hard on my “girls” ;), barefoot, in shoes, to ANY kind of music, any where, any how.
  • I do Nia because I LOVELOVELOVE to dance and Nia doesn’t need a partner or a dance club or any previous experience.
  • I do Nia because I’m happier during and after.
  • I do Nia because I have FUN when I do it!

I CAN also tell you why I continue my journey with Nia:

  • Nia has been instrumental in my passage to becoming a profoundly intuitive and effective healer of myself and others.
  • Nia taught me an exceptional meditation tool that fit my personality, my spirit and my INability to sit still for more than 3 minutes at a time.
  • The Nia Belt Intensives continue to show me the potential of my body, mind and spirit in ways that inspire me to persevere even when the journey seems arduous or when I feel clueless about how to proceed. Not just in Nia but in all facets of my life.

What is this thing called Nia?  I still don’t have the succinct answer but I would love to continue the exploration with you.  In the comments below I invite you to play with at least one of these things:   if you are a Nia practitioner (someone who has taken at least one class live or on a video ;), please leave a comment about your Nia experience and what Nia is for you; if you have never taken Nia, please ask any question or questions you like.  In any case the best trick is to have the experience.  You can do that right here with Nia co creator Debbie Rosas Stewart (the class begins at mark 4:18).

Great love and big hugs,

Fun & Free November 2012

Strong (maybe even FLAT) Abs and ZERO low back pain FREE and NOW!

The quickest way to strengthen your abs is exactly what “yo mama tole ya ta do – pull in your stomach.”  But I can help you make that even more effective right here, right now:

  • exhale – normally, no gusto required, in fact it’s better if you are slightly relaxed.
  • while exhaling gently pull your belly button to your spine (keep breathing)
  • repeat often

You’ll receive a bonus if you can keep the top of your head reaching for the sky (posture), your shoulders surrendered (no wearing as earrings), and (this is a toughie) your collar bones open wide while your ribs are slightly pulled together. Oh – did I remember to tell you to RELAX while doing all of this?

PS – if you’ll laugh long and often, you’ll get similar results effortlessly (same for crying :))

If this is helpful for you and you’d like more, please feel free to sign up for our weekly update (we never let your precious info out of our sight) – it is fun and free!

I might just pee my pants (a.k.a. risk taking)

Summer 1993:   I was at a water park, first time as a grown-up.  My date’s idea.  Sounds fun, huh?!  Well, I didn’t want to be there.  I had packed all the gear I needed, but I was still in my street clothes and being highly uncooperative.  Finally I changed into my swimsuit, and we continued to scope the rides.  I kept saying no, no thanks, you go ahead, etc.  My date was being very patient – probably more patient than I would have been had we been, say… doing Nia or Pilates and our roles were reversed.  We rounded a corner and there was a ride with a raft built for two.  I was still diligently resisting, but my date was being beautifully insistent.  I got in and I held on tight, wishing very hard I was anywhere else.  Down the slide we went.

OH. MY. GOSH. How freakin’ fun was that!!!!  The second we landed in the pool at the bottom, I had a mind blowing life changing revelation:   I had been scorchingly afraid!  Even more mind blowing, I realized how fear had been singularly defining my life and my choices.  Until that moment, at the bottom of the slide, I had been completely ignorant how much fear had been strangulating me.  All the risks I’d never taken flooded over me, all the places I hadn’t gone, all the people I didn’t meet:  MY. WHOLE. LIFE.  I was clueless until we hit that water.

Changed my life FOREVER.

Today:   Fear still creeps in… OFTEN (old coping skills die hard).  But now I simply remember how much fun I have when I am willing to take the risk.  I learned VISCERALLY how much anticipation can be so paralyzing while execution can be so liberating.  A few times I have risked and got a big fat FAIL.  But even a big fat FAIL never feels as scary as the anticipation of failing.

I am especially grateful that one of my life changing moments was SO fun!

In the comments below I can’t wait to hear about some big (or not so big) risks you’ve taken and what fun gifts they brought you 🙂

Great love and big risky hugs,


Duck Dynasty – Really?!

So… the Renegotiation (aka boyfriend – since we continually renegotiate our relationship) is a reality TV guy: big brother from the very beginning, survivor, amazing race, gold rush and many more, I’m sure.  His current favorite is Duck Dynasty.  Oh. My. Gosh. Really?!

If you have seen the show or you’re already a fan, you can skip this paragraph.  The premise is the ongoing antics of zztop-esque bearded guys – dad, uncle, brothers – who own and run a duck call business.  The Renegotiation thinks it’s “hilarious,” (my translation: less-than-smart).

I stopped by the Reneg’s house last night and he excitedly invited me to stay and watch a couple of episodes.  I was dubious.  I grew up in Shreveport and the show is set just a couple of hours away in Monroe… hmmm, intrigue.  The Reneg mentioned that the patriarch had been an NFL top draft pick, back in the day.  But this is non-information since, for me, football is less appealing than the dentist or a gyno appointment.  The three shows we watched were moderately entertaining and fairly typical, imho, of how guys act when they get together: rigged tools meant for other jobs, hair-brained ideas to accomplish tasks, lots and lots of pranks.  It wasn’t enough to inspire me to buy TV (ie – satellite, fiber optic or cable) but everyone on the show looked like they were having fun.  And I am ALL about the fun!

As an entrepreneur I am also KEENLY interested in how folks make money, especially big money, since that has eluded me all of my life – so far.  And no matter how three stooges like Duck Dynasty might feel and look, the business has obviously been very successful and now the show.   Smart people run successful companies, so I started Googling.

It turns out that Phil Robertson, patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family, played football for my alma mater (interest now piqued…) and did have an opportunity to play in the NFL.  Unfortunately football season interfered with Robertson’s preference for weeks and weeks of duck blinds, duck guts, duck decoys, camouflage, and guns.  I imagine today’s aspiring athletes might call that blasphemy.  However, Phil Robertson’s passion for duck hunting led to the creation of his favorite duck call, which, incredibly, is now a duck call industry standard.  Who knew?

As this story unfolded all I could do was laugh…and laugh.  But then I realized that Duck Dynasty is a shining example of what I believe at my core:  Do what you love and the money will follow – including duck hunting.  I REALLY love that.

If you dare, check out Duck Dynasty (you’ll have to Google TV listings) and in the comments below tell us one of your favorite “do what you love and the money will follow” stories.

Hugs and great love, j

Unrelated but still impressive:  In the closing scenes of one show, the brothers were hitting golf balls.  In the background you could hear some kind of blasts.  When the camera panned back you could see the dad and uncle shooting those little balls right out of the sky, extremely accurately.  Driving range skeet – fun (and funny)!

YOU are such a magnificent manifestor!

Yes – you are, as are we all!

So… one of the things I do well is manifest just about everything that I really want.  I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager, maybe even earlier.  As a kid – I didn’t really know what I was doing.  I wanted something… it happened.  When I am in the memory of it, I always want to use the words “like magic.”  I wanted to go to a local modeling school, I did.  Then I got a gig modeling for Bill Blass when they came to our town (even though I was too short – according to the runway director).  When I got to college, my suite mate wanted to join the college radio DJ team, so I went along and realized I wanted to do that too.  I had my own show for a year or so while I was there.  Again, whenever I think about those instances I always think they happened by magic – in my memory I had so much ease and fun with both.

The reality wasn’t magic, the reality was my mindset and my desire.  I cannot even begin to describe how much I wanted to model.  The course was long and expensive and we were a single income family of four, so I worked and used some of my money and some birthday/holiday money to cover costs.  Then I did every single gig the agency asked me to do, many times for free or little pay.  As a kid, the money didn’t matter so I could afford to “play” at my big desire.  Next thing I know I’m in a show for the Blass line (including a picture in the paper).  And it was all FUN!

There wasn’t any magic at the radio station either (although I have to say – it DID feel magical to me :)).  Before you could be on the air, you had to do a NUMBER of intern hours.  My suite mate jumped off the bandwagon after the first or second hour, but for me it was so fun and fascinating that the hours flew by.  Plus I learned a TON (this was when we were still spinning vinyl but beginning the transition to CDs).  I met fantastic people (almost married one) and had probably THE most memorable times of my college days.

These are just two examples from my early days of manifesting the dreams of my life.  I have many, many more as an adult: working overseas, turning a hobby into a dream J.O.B., travel all over the world, buying my first house while NOT employed.  All from a place of (mostly) ease and trust.  No “hard” work required (well, none of it ever felt very difficult).

As I’m writing this I realize I have so much more to tell you about how YOU can have the life you really want and not very much space left, so I invite you to play with this:

1) write down one thing you’ve been dreaming about, drooling over, lighting up when you think of it, (you get what I mean,right?), write it down, in detail, as much detail as possible

2) add a request from [the universe, god, nature, yourself {insert whatever it is you call upon}] to effortlessly put the path of action in front of you – and take any actions that turn up (crucial piece – taking action)

3) look at what you wrote every day and say it out loud when you wake up, do the same before you go to sleep

4) trust and let go of the outcome

5) notice all the ways coincidence, synchronicity, happy accidents and WOWs show up supporting your desire 🙂

Please let me know how it goes in the comments below.  I KNOW you can have all that you truly desire.  Hugs and great love, j.