I wrote this last week before the shootings at Sandy Hook – I mean no flippancy or disrespect, but it feels more like a fit this week than last… thanks for reading, j.
If you had one question…
What would it be?
I was walking my dog, Turk, last night and I saw these words as two separate bumper stickers on the same car. It might have been one sticker, designed to look like two – it was dark.
As I walked past, I played with to whom to direct my question and what my question might be.
If I were talking to “God,” what would I want to ask? Thoughts about war, kid hunger, and my own little dilemmas wandered through my mind. But the question that stood out in seconds was “What’s the point?” What surprised me the most was my tone – not so much fatalistic or depressed – but curiosity… what IS the point of all human existence, experience, emotion…?
I guess this is sort of one of THE questions of all time – what’s the point?
I didn’t explore much past those thoughts on the rest of my walk – I simply enjoyed the way Turk was being incredibly cooperative, the beautiful 61 degree temperature & clear night sky (LOVE living in Houston in winter), and the festive holiday lights in the neighborhood.
This morning a cold front is passing through and it’s 40 degrees (brrrr), dreary and I don’t feel much like taking responsibility for my life today. I’d like to go back to sleep, be taken care of, ignore the dog and pretend that “what’s the point” isn’t important to me. Most days I don’t worry about “the point.” I’m too consumed with what “needs” to get done on that day – food, dog, clients, etc. Somehow, though, when I can take a moment to contemplate what I WANT “the point” to be, I switch into “what I ‘get’ to do today.” Nice shift.
I want “the point” to be
We are all one
We are all doing the best we can
We are spirits having a human experience
Love is all there is
Real Love heals everything
If this is the point (or if this is MY point) – I get to take care of the day to day with so much more richness, compassion, kindness, caring, curiosity, softness, excitement, eagerness and love. Then the day to day takes on so much more elegance, yummy anticipation, and meaning.
I’ll have more of that, please.
What’s your question? Or if you prefer, what’s your point? Love to hear about it in the comments below.
Great love and big point filled hugs,
As much now as 9/11/01, love is the only answer we can count on. I continue to send love, healing and compassion to the families affected by last week’s event.