YOU are such a magnificent manifestor!

Yes – you are, as are we all!

So… one of the things I do well is manifest just about everything that I really want.  I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager, maybe even earlier.  As a kid – I didn’t really know what I was doing.  I wanted something… it happened.  When I am in the memory of it, I always want to use the words “like magic.”  I wanted to go to a local modeling school, I did.  Then I got a gig modeling for Bill Blass when they came to our town (even though I was too short – according to the runway director).  When I got to college, my suite mate wanted to join the college radio DJ team, so I went along and realized I wanted to do that too.  I had my own show for a year or so while I was there.  Again, whenever I think about those instances I always think they happened by magic – in my memory I had so much ease and fun with both.

The reality wasn’t magic, the reality was my mindset and my desire.  I cannot even begin to describe how much I wanted to model.  The course was long and expensive and we were a single income family of four, so I worked and used some of my money and some birthday/holiday money to cover costs.  Then I did every single gig the agency asked me to do, many times for free or little pay.  As a kid, the money didn’t matter so I could afford to “play” at my big desire.  Next thing I know I’m in a show for the Blass line (including a picture in the paper).  And it was all FUN!

There wasn’t any magic at the radio station either (although I have to say – it DID feel magical to me :)).  Before you could be on the air, you had to do a NUMBER of intern hours.  My suite mate jumped off the bandwagon after the first or second hour, but for me it was so fun and fascinating that the hours flew by.  Plus I learned a TON (this was when we were still spinning vinyl but beginning the transition to CDs).  I met fantastic people (almost married one) and had probably THE most memorable times of my college days.

These are just two examples from my early days of manifesting the dreams of my life.  I have many, many more as an adult: working overseas, turning a hobby into a dream J.O.B., travel all over the world, buying my first house while NOT employed.  All from a place of (mostly) ease and trust.  No “hard” work required (well, none of it ever felt very difficult).

As I’m writing this I realize I have so much more to tell you about how YOU can have the life you really want and not very much space left, so I invite you to play with this:

1) write down one thing you’ve been dreaming about, drooling over, lighting up when you think of it, (you get what I mean,right?), write it down, in detail, as much detail as possible

2) add a request from [the universe, god, nature, yourself {insert whatever it is you call upon}] to effortlessly put the path of action in front of you – and take any actions that turn up (crucial piece – taking action)

3) look at what you wrote every day and say it out loud when you wake up, do the same before you go to sleep

4) trust and let go of the outcome

5) notice all the ways coincidence, synchronicity, happy accidents and WOWs show up supporting your desire 🙂

Please let me know how it goes in the comments below.  I KNOW you can have all that you truly desire.  Hugs and great love, j.

3 thoughts on “YOU are such a magnificent manifestor!

  1. Seems like things come easily to you. My perception on my accomplishments…nothing came easily, I worked my rear off for it! But now I see the value in releasing my grip a bit and enjoying the journey.

    • Thank you, Amy, for sharing your experience. I hear quite a few people (especially women 😉 say this and I’ve been thinking about “working hard” to achieve results over the last few days. Some things have come extremely quickly to me and others have taken time and persistence. I think the difference for me lies in how excited I am about what I’m “working” (playing!) with. I’m creating a new post now, will link to it here when it’s finished. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

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